Looking down on Lake Como, Italy – August 10 2013 7:24 pm
Since I started this website in 2009, I have mostly avoided displaying photographs with very personal content, avoided to specify clearly where the picture was taken, when it was taken and even the date I wrote the article. Why? Because I either wanted to abstract the image and emphasize on the general thoughts of the article or simply display what I define to be art in my photography. The problem is, that this also sets bounds to what I share with the world. It is time to once again crack these walls I set up because ideas evolve and photography needs to breathe fresh air.
While browsing through pictures of a recent holiday to Italy I stumbled upon the photograph you see above. It is uncropped and virtually unedited. It was taken just before a gorgeous sunset over the Swiss alps after a long day of driving to Lake Como at the Italy-Swiss border. We were alone, bought two beers at a shop and sat down at café that had already closed. I got up to capture the beauty of the scene and took several photos. I also took a step back, asked my girlfriend to turn around and as she did the mirror of my DSLR flipped up, capturing one of the final instances of our vacation.
Later I realized that this picture is the only one that in my sentiment transmits the beauty and feel of the scene that I felt because its not abstract but instead very personal. Its the context that makes the picture and not just the elements in the composition! The picture is unrefined, simple and does not match with most of my photographs I most appreciate. Still it is my favorite picture from this trip because what it captured is a marvelous unique snapshot of our lives that will live on as we grow older.