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Tag: Japan
Between fascination and disgust
This photograph depicts the head of a tuna that was used as a spectacular means of decoration in a banquet dinner on a conference in Matsue, western Japan. The raw meat of the fish was sliced into convenient pieces of sashimi, conveniently placed around the head so that guests could pick them up with chopsticks while looking at the deceased animal.
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We live, we share
Human beings are for many photographers the main subject of their images, whereas in my photography, humans are often just simply part of a more general composition. Having spent several months in Japan, I feel how humanist photography is something I have neglected for so long.
The picture above shows a couple of young Japanese people watching the great summer fireworks festival in Nagoya, central Japan. It was very warm that night and several hundred thousand people had gathered at the harbour area to watch the astonishing show of light and music in the summer sky. Although this spectacle was easily the most impressive fireworks show I had ever seen, in retrospective, this is the principle photograph I personally retain from the event because of the human nature within it.
More than the sum
Since went online about two years ago, my biggest personal motivation was to learn how to write meaningful texts about particular images and ideas I discovered in photography. Most times I choose an image that makes me think of a concept, then I write a brief text and after a few revisions I post it online. However, I often still have difficulties to express myself in words as to why I would like to post something like this collage you see above.
This collage shows three impressions from Japan in an unconventional format. The ensemble is more than the sum of each part and also remindes myself that, after all, photography is more about feeling than about words.